Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mosque In NYC

We all remember 9/11/01 when the Twin Towers were struck by Muslim terrorists. The after affect was devastating. Many lives lost and many brave people helped. The news about the Mosque in NYC has been in print for a while now. So why are we suddenly freaking out about it now? Is is because the Pastor in Florida was going to burn a stack of Muslim Holy Books? In my point of view all Americans have the freedom of religion. So what about the Muslim Americans? We can't suspect that all Muslims are terrorists. May we have fear that some Muslim people are terrorists? Yes, but not all. And that's what I don't think people understand. I understand to the people who live in NYC when 9/11 happened that if you put this Mosque in NYC that it would be like a slap in the face. But it's also a slap in the face to Muslims. I mean its not just a Mosque that they wan't to build. Its a community center that in one part has a Mosque section for Muslims. I mean if we can't have a Mosque there then why can we be fine with having a Mosque in the Pentagon? If people are refusing to allow this then that doesn't seem like freedom of religion to me. I'm all for the Mosque being five blocks away from the Twin Towers (from the twin towers you cant even see where the community center may be built) and those of you who are not for this happening, I respect you. I mean we all feel about this situation in a different way. I'm just telling you how I feel and I hope you cant respect my opinion how I respect yours.

1 comment:

  1. I feel exactly the same way. If we can't keep up with even the basic freedoms of our country, then why can we feel it is 'unrespectful' to American patriotism?
